Friday, 02 September 2011

The Hero's journey...

The Hero’s Journey was originally coined by Joseph Campbell from his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces. He was an American professor who studied the myths across different world cultures and found that they had common patterns of story woven through them.

When we embarked on this unknow journey of App development, we had no solid plans, we had no roadmaps with clear indications and directions of paths to taken...there were no footprints of those who had taken such a journey before...we were the first...we had chosen "..the road less travelled by.." and so far...that is making all the difference.

As aspiring young entrepreneurs, we can no longer accept our world as it is; more especially our ever evolving mobile technology world. Thus, we have thrust ourselves into this unknown world...seeking great treasures and even greater reward! This is our call to Adventure.

We have met our "wise mentor" - Prof. Visser, and we feel highly inspired. We are therefore pleased to announce that we are in the process of  "Crossing the first threshold"...putting together a maketable and brilliant business plan...

...stay're bound to be blown away!

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