Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Things we come across that... INSPIRE!

Some youtube videos that are pretty interesting.

The 8year old boy really got me thinking of how its important to build an entrepreneur culture from a young age. His drive and determination is really inspiring lol......

The 8year old entrepreneur

This video by John von Achen is inspiring in the dynamic world we live in and just to stay focused and motivated,,, entrepreneurship doesn't make you royalty overnight, takes perseverance. cliche right? yup but its true.

Monday, 29 August 2011

Things we come across that... INSPIRE!

An online entrepreneurship mag we came across and thought it was quite interesting

Member Profile: Aviwe Funani

Name and surname: Aviwe Funani
Student number: 2939344
Strengths: Organized, Team player, peace maker
Weaknesses: Panic quickly, very emotional
About me: inspired by the evidence of things unseen the substance of things hoped for-FAITH in JESUS! I'm a Bcom General student majoring in Information Systems(Business analysis). I love to laugh lol.... i worry a lot about EVERYTHING, sometimes i don't worry at all, that's bad i think cause that means I'm real lazy and couldn't be bothered. i believe in hard work especially in group settings its one thing going down alone but to drag others down with you is messed up on another level. I'm excited about this module, I think its different and there's a lot I'm going to learn not just on an academic point but in general. this assignment- its different and interesting i say ;)

A lesson on leading by leading I...

Taking the book A Hero With A Thousands Faces, its emphasis on spirituality and its influences in the hero's journey. I came across something I thought is quite important in group dynamics, a blog by my youth pastor on leadership.

It was Bill Hybels who said, “A leader must lead down (those under them), up (those in authority over them), and laterally (their peer groups). But perhaps the most overlooked leadership challenge is the one in the middle. Who is your toughest leadership challenge? It is yourself!”

To infinity and beyond- to the BlackBerry app world that is ;)

Mr. Van Der Bank gave us an option on which app store we would focus on and our team voted on developing an app for BlackBerry because of our target market seeing that a number of students have BlackBerry in place of iPhone or Android. Hopefully we will later expand the app so it can be downloadable on all other phones.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


I have been part of the UWC Apprentice Case study Challenge. We were 14 people that responded to the call from the whole of university students to depart from this challenge. We attended 3  meetings before the challenge took of.

The theme
Was  Shopping Mall for the local tertiary campuses and neighboring community.

What we needed to do?
The teams needed to compete in a realistic simulated business scenario of strategy and operations, and act as company directors making critical decisions that affect the company's performance.

We were addressed by Mr. Pokpas the UWC Institutional Planning Office , on future developmental plans for UWC.

UWC is set to grow signaficantly over the next 15 years .Our tem were responsible for managing certain aspects of these developmental plans and conveyed it to the panel. 

The panel were 3 memebers. Prof De Vries, A person of the Governemnt and also a Prof  from the sports department.

We were 5 teammembers and had to stay  from 8.30 to 4 pm in a room on the 18 th af August.

I was the Teamleader, we a BA , B Com ( Finance), B Com ( Accounts), B( Computers) and a B Education student.1 We identified the problem,  2. We stated the factors to be considered 3. THe effects of each factor 4. Possible ways to address the challenges 5. Best possible solutions 6. Prognosis/ Evaluatin 7.Implementation plan with timelines 8. Proposed Budget. We worked together well as a team. Made space for each others differences, Conflict there deffinitely was, laughter, tension, strees at least there was no screaming.. by 4.15 pm we presented to the panel.. We were team C.. Our presentation flowed , it went wel and we won!! It was a small event did not attract lots of attention but it had a huge effect on my life!!! Now I know I am a teamleader because we WON UNDER MY LEADERSHIP.!! VIVA team c VIVA!! We did it!!!

Monday, 22 August 2011

Friday, 19 August 2011

Name: Kelello Ntsoaki "Ello" Moeketse
Student number: 3044024
Degree: BA Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science.
Strengths: When I get inspiration I become very creative and I achieve my goals when I'm motivated. 
Weaknesses: I tend to procrastinate at times as one of my high school teachers would say "Time wasted, is time never regained." As outspoken as I am, sometimes I'm reluctant to say anything or come up with suggestions. 
 About me: I'm a proud Southern-Sotho girl born and raised in Gauteng the east of Johannesburg (East rand/ Ekuruleni). I'm a conversationalist,outspoken I believe that if you are negative in a way you limit the possibilities in your life.I believe that laughter cures all illnesses including heartache. LOLIES (",
I play netball for the University of the Western Cape's second netball team.

Changing our mindset... Prof.Visser comes to the rescue

We recently had a meeting with our mentor Prof. Visser and he challenged us with some questions but also gave us some encouraging words.

The team was having problems with developing the business plan for the application and we felt like we were going around in circles.
Prof. Visser laid it down that we need to understand that in attempting to launch any business idea we definitely need a business plan because that is evidence of our plans and most importantly it explains what our product is. Prof. felt we needed to change our mentality, he explained that the application is a product but its intangible and therefore its a service. Just like in the past we have prepared business plans based on things we cannot touch such as actual retail stores the application was no different because it is also a product.

He explained that just as service providers like Vodafone have to provide an intangible service that is what we are planning to develop. He encouraged us to do more reading and to view this assignment not just as the development of an application but the development of a service business and when we look at it that way then we will not get so intimidated by the task at hand.

He also encouraged us to be more innovative with the features of the application. "Change the mindset.." he said. Wise words that everyone can use.
thanks Prof.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Things we come across that... INSPIRE!

Problem Solving and Ability to Find Creative Solutions

"I never perfected an invention that I did not think about in terms of the service it might give others... I find out what the world needs, then I proceed to invent."- Thomas Edison (inventor).

Successful entrepreneurs do not ask prospective customers, “Do you think you might need this product?”. Instead, successful entrepreneurs are much more likely to ask the customer what problems they have and then find or invent the product that solves the problems. This way the customers do not have to decide whether they need the product, the need has already been established.

extracted from the article Six Skills Every Entrepreneur Needs Now by  Hayley Hunkin

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

The call to Adventure

We will be traveling through danger... but we ask that our idea be preserved. We receive the charm of "feathers plucked from a living eagle"

...supernatural aid:use the force, Hidden Faces. The harder you work ,the luckier you get!!

Departure ..
Our group has taken the first step in opening a blog under differences..
a) Our vision is to design an app for a Blackberry phone as 2nd year students.
Passions and Dreams
Our GROUP is to break barriers to bring a first world application to a third world country.Our passion is touching human lives in terms of uplifting and making a difference.

...Refusal of the call
" For the turning away of the simple shall slay them , and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them" 

The fear of the unknown is reality.. Does the competitor have our idea? Coming from a historical background where our race has never threaded do we find our way? What methods do we use as individuals to make this idea successful, giving birth t to this project as a team..with our different personalities. WE investigate naturally through research. Do we as humans got what it takes... THe labyrinth what we are planning in this journey will the fear grip us thta we refuse the call? NO definitely not we started , we went through our group dynamics of personality clashes.. but we neded up making space for each this project...

Sunday, 14 August 2011

...Refusal of the call

Here goes...

I am Amanda Snowy April ( and yes, Snowy is my real name lol). I am a final year BAdmin student from the Economic and Management Sciences. My majors are Political Science and Public Administration, student number 2748660.

I love life. I look forward to waking up every morning and seeing what else is out there for me to explore, aiding me in be coming an all-rounded student in this huge classroom called Life. I am open minded. I am a team player. I am a young lady with enormous potential to be anything and everything God calls me out to do. As an aspiring entrepreneur, i believe that mistakes and failures are an essential part of any person who has ever dreamt of making it and making it BIG, they teach a person hard work, tenacity and they constantly build on ones character.

Most of all, the most invaluable lesson I've learnt so far is "Boldness strikes fear; fear creates authority" (Robert Greene - 48 Laws of power). What this translates to always make bold moves as they make you seem more larger than you really are!

Wednesday, 10 August 2011


Professor Kobus VISSER

'Prof Visser' is a very popular and respected lecturer at University of the Western Cape, well liked by all of his students he also seriously decorated in terms of academic achievement. He demands high standards and gives you a framework in which one can excel. There was a unanimous vote when his named was mentioned as a possible mentor for our group. We think we have found the right mentor when it comes to growth as budding entrepreneurs and with regards to our future product. We are very hopeful that this will be a fruitful relationship and a massive learning experience for all of us.

Thanks must go to Professor Visser for accepting our invitation.

This is a quick rundown of Professor Visser's achievements

Visiting Professor

Jonkoping International Business School

Nonprofit; Higher Education industry
June 2011June 2011 (1 month) Jonkoping, Sweden
Teaching on Summer School Programme in Entrepreneurship

Fulbright Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Duke University

Educational Institution; Higher Education industry
February 2010May 2010 (4 months)
Visiting Research Fellow at the Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE), Fuqua School of Business.

Visiting Professor

Gotland University, Sweden

Educational Institution; Higher Education industry
May 2009June 2009 (2 months)

Kobus Visser's Education

Duke University - Fuqua School of Business

Post Doctoral, Social entrepreneurship

One of the most profound influences on my academic life. The Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE) at Duke has most certainly been a seminal influence in my work.

Stellenbosch University/Universiteit Stellenbosch

PhD, Leadership


University of the Western Cape

MCom, Marketing


University of South Africa

Hons BCom, Business Management


University of Stellenbosch

Higher Education Diploma, Edication


University of Stellenbosch

BCom, Management


Written by: Carl LEWIS
Source/s: UWC SBF Website ( & LinkedIN


As our world moves into a more digital world it was quite fitting and appropriate that our lecture was based on SOCIAL MEDIA. Fred Roed from Ideate, World Wide Creative and the Heavy Chef project gave us an inspiring and informative lecture on building communities using Social Media. As examples he showed us his videos of his successful projects in partnership with Exclusive Books and Chaos Computers.

Fred's easy going lecture style was a delight to be involved in, his inclusive style of communication/lecturing or presenting allowed us as pupils to ask our questions freely without feeling judged. I certainly learned the importance of  building communities, something which I guess I underestimated previously. The massive success of his projects with the aformentioned companies is evidence of the importance of building communities and keeping the community involved with constant communication from both the business venture and the consumer.

I am sure the whole class is hopeful of another session woth Fred because there are so many more questions I would like to ask, unfortunately an hour is just not enough to pick Fred's brain. Thanks must go to Fred for taking time out of his schedule and delivering such an informative presentation and lecture, also thank you to Mr. Van Der Bank for being so creative as a lecturer e.g. using Fred, informative lectures using technology and multimedia and also his outdoor lectures haha!!!!

Enjoying MAN 201

See Fred's work on:
Follow IDEATE on Twitter: @ideateblog
Follow the WWC team on Twitter as well
Follow the Heavy Chef Project on Twitter as well
Check these companies out on Facebook as well

Blog you soon... Ciao

Written By: Carl LEWIS

Team Member: Carl Lewis

Full name: Carl LEWIS

Student No.: 2617116

Degree: BA Sports & Recreation Management

Strengths as an Entrepreneur:  Communication, Creativity, Leadership, Team Player and Social Skills I guess:)

Weakness: Disorganised perhaps and lazy at times:)

About me: I love sport, I am kind of obssessed with it! I love most sports mainly cricket, rugby and soccer but a couple more. I enjoy long stimulationg chats with people about politics, sport and our country (especially politics). I am a big be;liever in listening, because everyone has some sort of knowledge and wisdom that can help you better yourself or at least give you something to think of. Reading is an old pastime of mine especially autobiographies of great people that have influenced our world. There is more to me but I guess that is a quick summary... If you want to know more, CALL ME:)

diving down the rabbit hole...

the first breaths of hidden faces as we lift off the first mask.

questions that hit us as we started to grasp this exciting, exhilarating  assignment we were given on developing an application for smart phones in this smart and dynamic fast paced world we live in. the team decided to conduct a market research at Udubs, using questionnaires and this is what we got. students want a portal of their own where they can socially network online, inter mingling the past, present and future of UWC without barriers and annoying red tape.

unmasking the name for our blog was a big question for us in the second phase. the first name that came up was Entrepreneurial Royalty which was later rejected by the group, then after a two week process that took us a lot of pain through nail biting, hair pulling, sleepless nights and a LOT of coffee. delegation took place and aviwe funani was responsible to come up with a name.

whilst reading the book and going through the net Aviwe Funani remembered the story in the introduction to the 2004 edition section of the book about 'the hidden treasure' thus the name HIDDEN FACES came along inspired by the book 'a hero with a thousand faces' and the story of the father giving his sons the task to look for the treasure. In this case Mr. van Der Bank is the father inspiring the hunt for the treasure with 'a great price yet priceless'. the team agreed and Hidden Faces was born :)

and so the journey continues through the labyrinth as we uncover the different layers of the mask to the team 'HIDDEN FACES'.....